I have dreamed of going paperless for years, but things seemed to always get in the way of me finally reaching that goal. We now live in a much smaller place, and I have decided to
I figure:
In today’s world, it has never been easier to go paperless.
First, the thought of getting out my printer and doing the tedious task of scanning each document was too overwhelming. Second, I knew I had to find an easier way. So I googled some excellent articles on going paperless and listened to some how-to videos.
Now, with an app on my smartphone that scans papers effortlessly, I can just take a photo and, with just one click, save it where I need to.
I have decided to use google docs for keeping all my papers. Plus, google docs do not take up room on my computer’s hard drive – it is all stored on the “cloud.” It takes a password to get to it, and I can take all this info with me wherever I go. I have an ipad to take on trips and can easily access all my papers on there. I have become a very light packer when I travel.
My first step was to collect all my papers and put them in stackable bins. I labeled them by weeks to accomplish. Everything is out of files, notebooks, and containers. I then made a plan of attack. I decided to do one stack of paper a week. I set up a working area next to my living room tv so I would not feel isolated or bored. I knew this way I would be more likely to stick to the job and finally accomplish my goal of becoming paperless.
It will most likely take me a couple more months to be completely paperless. But I am now driven to do it, and with a January 2022 deadline and the accountability that I have with my readers, I am pretty confident I will reach my goal of being paperless! I am sure it will be worth all the effort! If it takes longer, I am okay with that.
I realize I will have to change some bad habits to maintain a paperless lifestyle. For example, instead of taking notes on a ZOOM call and just throwing the paper in a pile, I will have to type those notes into a google document right away. Likewise, when I get a receipt at a store, I will remember to take a picture of it with my phone app. In addition, I will have to start keeping my lists on my computer instead of paper. I will also have to stop subscribing to things that bring pieces of paper into my mailbox. And whenever there is an option to go paperless, I will need to do it.
I also realize this is a significant lifestyle change for a paper hoarder like me, but I know I can do it.
Like I have said before,
You are never too old, and it is never too late to become a NEW YOU.
And in my case, I will be a PAPERLESS ME! How exciting is that!?
As far as I can tell, the top three benefits of going paperless are saving time, space, and sanity. So I am looking forward to getting this chore done.
I recently read an article that the average person spends ten minutes a day looking for items. That translates into six months out of your lifetime. I would rather be doing something else in those six months, wouldn’t you?