So you made a buying mistake.
And this is probably not your first one.
What are you going to do?
Maybe it is too late for you to return the item.
Maybe it was an impulse buy.
Maybe you bought it because you thought
you needed to wear something new to a special event,
But it doesn’t quite fit or it isn’t your color or style.
Maybe you bought it because it fit and it was in sale.
But you did not need it.
Maybe you bought it to impress others.
Maybe you bought it because you were depressed
and it made you feel good.
But now you realize you spent money you did not have to spend
And this item will just put you further along from saving enough money
For that special trip or special item that you do need.
Return it if you still can
Or give it away if you have to
But keeping it around your home is only going to
you more grief and bad feelings.
You think if
You can give the item to a friend or family member
You will feel better about the mistake.
You feel like somehow you did not waste the money
If someone you know is using it, if it is in their home not
Some stranger’s home.
But it is still a mistake whether you donate it or give it to someone.
Accept the fact that making mistakes is just part of
the human condition.
So get rid of it
and drop the guilt while you are at it.
Learn from your mistake and move on.
Because if you keep it,
every time you walk past it
It will remind you of your mistake!
It has value you say
I can’t get rid of it you say
I paid a lot of money for it, you say.
Well, if it does not have value to you
it does not belong in your home.
It will hopefully have value to someone else
so release the item and the guilt.
Think about how to avoid making the same mistake.
Try thinking about an item for a couple of days before you buy it.
Try going shopping less and sticking to your shopping list.
Try being content with what you already have.